Monday, August 26, 2013

To Stop Waiting

To stop saying, "when all my finances are in order, then I will start saving."
To stop thinking, "when all my old stuff is organized then I will hang the new pictures on the wall."
To just get up and go out and stop feeling unacceptable to go out because my hair is a mess and I'm wearing the same shirt I wore to bed.

To just dive in.  Headfirst.

To back off unnecessary spending, but still have hobbies that make me happy.
To take an hour and condense that box of high school and college memories, but only an hour, so I don't get lost in the memories and lose three hours.  And to be ok that I'm not finished.  That I can go back and do more and not finish again.  If you don't start, if you don't do something, then absolutely nothing will change.

I just painted my three kitchen chairs.  I still need to wax them, but the painting is done.  I can't tell you how long I've been staring at those chairs.  Willing myself the energy to finish.

Where was I losing the time?  What was sucking my energy?  TV.  Computer.  Some negative websites and bummer podcasts.

He asked me if something was bothering me.  I told him I thought I was just feeling my age.  But we talked and there is more to it.  There is always more to it.  He suggested I back off TV and the computer.  It is a good suggestion.  Although right now I am online typing this and watching a video.  But, writing makes me feel good and the show is one I've always loved.  I'll be done soon.  Feeling refreshed that I could get this out, could watch an episode of my favorite old show and got the painting done.  Accomplished something.  Taking note of what I accomplished and feeling good about the day.

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