Today I am happy to say I have moved on from bed rest to the "light activity" stage of my IVF cycle! I am officially 1dp 5dt. Yesterday afternoon, just after the transfer, the doctor said everything went as perfectly as they could have hoped. We are so happy and trying not to let this beautiful picture of our future and positive words from the doctor build us up too high.
This is the closest we have ever been.
I went to bed Tuesday feeling a combo of nervous excitement. I woke up Wednesday morning early, filled with peace and made a cake. My hubby has been craving cake and I thought it would be a nice way to celebrate a smooth transfer.
The fact that I needed to have a full b.ladder for the transfer was the hardest part. I never do it right. I was way too full and they let me let a little out (half a cup) just to make it tolerable. (They let me use the bathroom the guys use to do their collection...I never knew what it looked like in there! I had to so bad, I didn't even mind that I was going next to various posters of h.alf n.aked g.irls).
The actual transfer amazed me. The embryologists rolled in the cart and the whole procedure took less than 10 minutes. After 30 minutes of strict bed rest, we were able to go home, pick up some lunch and enjoy the day on the couch.
I am kind of bad at bed rest and got restless towards the end of the day. Today I've been doing a little more, but I'm still in my pjs and haven't done any cleaning today (yay!).
Still a ways to go, but I am enjoying my time as PUPO (pregnant until proven otherwise).
So many of our family and friends have been so supportive and tireless in their prayers and help. We appreciate it so much, but continue to ask for prayers and words of comfort as we try to be patient and have faith in the future.
Sending sticky vibes your way.
ReplyDeleteCongrats on a successful transfer and being PUPO. Enjoy and best wishes!