Tuesday, July 6, 2010

testing my patience...

I tossed and turned all last night. 3:14am. 4:22am. 5:06am. 5:45am. 6:35am. The pregnancy test taunted me from the bathroom. When I woke up for the final time I had decided to do it. I was going to POAS. My brain had been working overtime trying to figure out what to do and I committed to the decision. I grabbed the stick. In my sleepy state, I chased the stream and put it aside to wait for results.

The hour glass blinked. Blinked. Blinked. Then...B.L.A.N.K. Nothing. It was as if it was just turned off by an invisible switch. Can you BELIEVE it was a defective test? The only test I had. The one that kept me up all night. It couldn't give me anything and I was forced to get over it since the opportunity was gone.

9am. I called the doctor the second they opened to see if I could get the beta done today. By the time they called me back and said, "You know...you COULD have gotten your blood drawn today...." it was too late to get the results back today no matter what time I got there.

I got it done anyway. They said they should have the results first thing tomorrow morning (10 hours from now, not that I'm counting) and they will call me.

I hope I can sleep tonight.


  1. Oh, that's just not right! You poor thing :( fingers crossed.

  2. Oh that is INSANE! I have never even heard of anyone having a defective test! I don't think I'm going to be able to sleep tonight just hoping for you!

  3. Oh no!!! why oh why did it have to be defective!!! Anyway, I am sitting here sending lots and lots of positive and BFP vibes your way!! Keeping my fingers crossed for you!!!

  4. What a story! I´ve been checking on you everyday, sometimes more than once. I have a good feeling...Good luck!!!

  5. I have actually had that problem with those digital tests. I swear if you tilt it the wrong way for a second, it won't work. I stopped buying them because of that!

    I can't believe you have to wait another day. So hard!!!

  6. Oh no! That is crazy!
    Well I'm crossing my fingers for GREAT news today!
